Reversing Oil

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Reversing Oil for Curses, Hexes, Spells, Tricks and Crossed Conditions

Ingredients: Sea Salt, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Lavender, Feather Light Oil

Feeling targeted by the ill-intent of another?  Possibly in the form of a hex, curse, spell, trick or jinx?  Reversing oil works like Bronzite, it can send that negative energy back to the sender.  You should not underestimate the power of negative intentions - all energy is powerful - send it back!

There are many ways to use this oil, but we are going to give you a magick spell.  Get a black candle, carve the name of the person who is sending you harm backwards on the candle with a toothpick or a nail - anything small but sharp enough to carve.  Anoint the candle with the oil and rub it in some protection herbs.  Write the person's name on a bay leaf or piece of parchment paper.  With your finger, use the oil to put a cross through the name.  Light your candle on top of the bay leaf or parchment paper.  Recite this three times: 

"Thinking of me
But Just the Same
Return the spell
From whence it came
Upon my safety, I do hold
Send the damage
Return threefold."

Once complete, take the remains out and place them at a crossroads.

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Reversing Oil for Curses, Hexes, Spells, Tricks and Crossed Conditions

Ingredients: Sea Salt, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Lavender, Feather Light Oil

Feeling targeted by the ill-intent of another?  Possibly in the form of a hex, curse, spell, trick or jinx?  Reversing oil works like Bronzite, it can send that negative energy back to the sender.  You should not underestimate the power of negative intentions - all energy is powerful - send it back!

There are many ways to use this oil, but we are going to give you a magick spell.  Get a black candle, carve the name of the person who is sending you harm backwards on the candle with a toothpick or a nail - anything small but sharp enough to carve.  Anoint the candle with the oil and rub it in some protection herbs.  Write the person's name on a bay leaf or piece of parchment paper.  With your finger, use the oil to put a cross through the name.  Light your candle on top of the bay leaf or parchment paper.  Recite this three times: 

"Thinking of me
But Just the Same
Return the spell
From whence it came
Upon my safety, I do hold
Send the damage
Return threefold."

Once complete, take the remains out and place them at a crossroads.

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