Prehnite - The Stone to Heal the Healer

Metaphysical and Healing Properties of Prehnite:

Prehnite is a strong Heart Chakra stone and known to provide unconditional and infinite love.  Known as the Stone to Heal the Healer, Prehnite is great for those who are empaths or healing practitioners; reiki, doctors, nurses, CNA's, metaphysical workers, therapists, etc.  Its inclusions of epidote increase the healing properties in terms of grief, anxiety, and depression.  A unique metaphysical property associated with this stone is it is also known to help hoarders and those who have too much clutter detach from their personal belongings and let go of what is no longer needed.  Prehnite is also a strong dream stone; bringing forth vivid dreams and helping you to remember in detail and uncover their meaning.

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