
Coming up in just a few weeks is probably one of our favorite seasonal festivals, Samhain. This is also known as “All Hallows Eve” or the very popular “Halloween”. Samhain is a Pagan, Celtic & Wiccan holiday, “Summers End’ and to mark the beginning of the half of the year that is dark. As sad as it may be to say goodbye to summer, who doesn’t love watching the leaves change color? Count us in on anything Autumnal!

Samhain is generally celebrated October 31-November 1, or until whichever New Moon or Full Moon comes following. The significance of Samhain is multifaceted. In ancient times, Samhain was a festival celebrating the end of summer’s harvest and preparing food storage for the winter. Our favorite part of Samhain is that it is also traditionally known as the best time for spirits and faeries to cross over from the Otherworld to the physical world we currently live in. Offerings were made to the spirits and faeries to ensure the survival of winter. A ritual bonfire was (and still is) lit to cleanse and purify our world. Today, it is much easier for most of us to survive the winter months. However, we still find it to be the best time to call upon our ancestors and faeries for general protection and to provide us with wisdom. 

The spread of Christianity changed the way many view Samhain, especially in the Western hemisphere where we reside, and the festival evolved into what is Halloween. The costumes and door to door trick-or-treating mimic the Pagans dressing in costume going door to door reciting verses for food. However, those of us who practice understand there is more to this and we honor the traditions as it serves our greater good. Our ancestors know far more than we do and it is crucial that we honor them and call on them for their guidance.

Some different rituals you can do include:

- Mediation. In meditation you can call on your ancestors and gods and goddesses who are strongly associated with Samhain such as, Persephone and her mother, Demeter, Aradia, Hel, Hades, Yama, Odin, Morrigan and her Ravens, Cerridwen, and Hecate. Grab some crystals to help during meditation. Place them in your right hand, or your receiving hand. Although the receiving hand tends to be the right, mine is actually left, so whatever works for you. I personally would grab a garden quartz piece and scry, as that is how we receive most of our messages from the Otherworld. The idea is to close your eyes, meditate on your question or thought, and then gaze into the garden quartz.

- Set up a Samhain Altar. Truly ideal and will definitely get you into the spirit of Samhain. You can place things such as fall fruit like apples, pumpkins, pomegranates, and gourds. Add some ghosts, skulls, leaves, and graveyard dirt. The idea is that your altar is yours and personal to you.  Whatever calls to you, add it. We are just giving you some of our tips that we incorporate into ours.

- Gather your family and friends and do a bonfire. As mentioned before, your Samhain bonfire will cleanse and protect you and your loved ones for the winter months. If you cannot partake in a bonfire, you can always keep it simple and smudge!

- Just as we do with Mabon, a Samhain meal can be prepared. Add some apple cider (my favorite), wine, candles, and your favorite Samhian recipes. Decorate your table with candles and favorite fall décor.

- A ritual favorite for Teaghan and I is visiting a cemetery. We have actually done this quite a few times. Bring some offerings for those in the Otherworld and for the graveyard dirt that you take back home with you.

- Try out one of our Samhain kits that we are offering to you. You can add to it and you can leave out what does not suit you. Remember, this practice is personal to you. However, we love being here to help. If you have any questions, feel free to message us on our Facebook page @the.eclectic.coven or email us at

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